The purpose of the detox diet is to purify the body from toxins and to make the body burn fat and eliminate edema. In summary, detox means removing toxins without harming our body. Our body can also create toxic substances.
Detox basically has three main elements. These are:
Avoiding toxin-producing things as much as possible during the diet.
To remove the toxins formed by food or the body out of the body.
To feed in a way that does not tire the liver, which is our organ that carries out the above.
Detox Time
The best times to start a detox are the beginning of spring and autumn. The reason for this is that your stress level is lower during these periods compared to other periods.
Methods That Increase Detox Effect
The yoga you will do together with the detox will regulate the blood flow and provide vitality. However, entering the sauna is also very useful in terms of detox. With sweating, you can remove all your toxins.
Enema has also been used as a very effective method in terms of detox in recent years.
Who Is Detox Harmful For:
Children, those with chronic diseases, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and the elderly are not suitable for detox.
Elements to Consider While Doing a Detox Diet
Take care to eat steamed or raw fresh vegetables during the detox diet.
Swallow all food thoroughly after chewing it.
Drink only green or herbal tea after meals.
Make sure you sit in a comfortable position while you eat.
Drink at least two liters of water a day.
Since salt causes edema in the body, its consumption should be reduced.
Take time to walk for at least half an hour a day while on a detox diet.
Consume fruit in between meals.
Foods That Should Not Be Consumed During a Detox Diet
Caffeine, alcohol
candy, chocolate
Solid fats
Foods containing gluten
Dairy products-eggs
Sample Detox Diet List
First day
First of all, you should start your day by drinking a large glass of warm water with lemon as soon as you wake up in the morning. Alternatively, you can eat a large glass of warm water and three dried apricots. So your bowels will work better.
Breakfast: Two slices of feta cheese, tomato, cucumber, parsley.
Snack: Fruit.
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and green salad.
Snack: Fruit and three diet biscuits.
Dinner: Vegetable meal, a bowl of yogurt and a green salad.
After Dinner: A fruit and herbal tea or green tea.
The second day
A large glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it as soon as you wake up.
Breakfast: Porridge (you can sweeten it with fruit).
Snack: Fruit.
Lunch: A bowl of steamed vegetables (broccoli, sprouts, carrots).
Snack: Fruit.
Dinner: Low-fat vegetable meal and green salad.
After Dinner: Herbal tea.
The third day
A large glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it as soon as you wake up.
Breakfast: A bowl of fruit salad.
Snack: Green tea or cinnamon tea.
Lunch: A bowl of vegetable soup.
Snack: Raw almonds.
Dinner: Baked salmon and green salad.
After Dinner: Herbal tea.