Ways to Avoid Intense Emotionality
It is very important to live in balance. It can be said that excessive emotionality is a problem that causes people to live in extremes, to overreact even to the smallest events, and to spend too much energy. Today, people's time gap and high quality standards make it possible for the individual to know himself, and the individual can understand whether there is a stage problem in recognizing his emotions, but in general, people continue their life with the principle of action-reaction because they do not have a skeptical attitude. The action-response principle goes so far, and after a while, when he has a relevant awareness, he starts to investigate the emotions individually.
1-Journey to the Inner World
Everyone has their own inner world. Nightmares can be seen when a good sleep is taken at night. Nightmares may be due to a certain emotion, felt stress, the reason for nightmares is usually due to an intense emotion, and in order to get rid of nightmares, it is necessary to find the source of the emotion experienced. Everything consists of a cause-effect relationship.
2-Establishing the Balance
In order to live a healthy and proper life, it is necessary to establish a solid balance between logic and emotions. Because establishing the balance can take a long time and sometimes it is necessary to plan it down to the smallest detail. The details in the calculation need to be made according to the realities in one's life.
3-Getting Professional Help
When people have a serious problem, they try to solve it themselves, and they need professional help as they cannot think with the effect of serious problems. Experts can guide you to overcome your excessive emotionality. Please do not hesitate to get help.
Labels: intense emotion example intense emotions disorder intense emotions meaning intense emotions adhd Emotion Management how to deal with intense emotions bpd intense feelings quotes How to turn off your emotions
October 08, 2022
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